Yuan Changrong

Professor, School of Nursing; Cancer Care, Nursing Informatics, and Chronic Disease Management

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Fellow of American Academy of Nursing Sciences

School of Nursing, Fudan University

Contact: Office telephone (021) 6443 1803

Email: yuancr@fudan.edu.cn

Research Interests: Cancer Care, Nursing Informatics and Chronic Disease Management

Education background

In 1992, graduated from the Second Military Medical University, majoring in Nursing, with a bachelor's degree

Received a master's degree in Nursing from the Second Military Medical University in 1999

In 2006, he received a doctorate degree in social medicine and health management from the Second Military Medical University

Teaching and Research Situation

Undertake the teaching of "Principles and Methods of Nursing Research", "Introduction to Nursing", "Theory and Practice of Qualitative Research", "Entrepreneurial Practice from the Perspective of Humanism" and "Frontiers of Nursing Discipline Development". Served as the editor-in-chief of the 13th Five-Year Postgraduate Planning Textbook "Nursing Theory" of the Human Health Society. Participated in the compilation of "Pediatric Oncology Nursing: Defining Care Through Science", "Giving Through Teaching: How Nurse Educators Are Changing the World", "Oncology Nursing", "Geriatric Nursing" and other monographs.



现任复旦大学护理学院教授,复旦大学护理学院患者体验研究中心主任,患者报告结局国际联盟中国中心(PNC-China)负责人。兼任中国优生优育协会护理学专委会主任委员、中国生命关怀协会人文护理专业委员会副主任委员、中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会护理学分会副主任委员、上海市抗癌协会肿瘤护理专委会副主任委员、上海市中西医结合护理专委会副主任委员等。担任《Cancer Nursing》、《Journal of Advanced Nursing》、《解放军护理杂志》、《护理学杂志》等多本国内外护理期刊编委及同行评议专家。曾入选上海市浦江人才计划,获军队育才银奖、个人三等功、上海市三八红旗手标兵、全国三八红旗手、复旦大学“钟扬式好老师”,连续入选2018、2019、2020年爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者。


1. Cai T, Huang Q, Yuan C. Emotional, informational and instrumental support needs in patients with breast cancer who have undergone surgery: a cross-sectional study[J]. BMJ Open, 2021,11(8):e048515.

2. Sheng Z, Wang J, Sun K, Xu Q, Zhou H, Liu C, Hu J, Song X, Dong L, Yuan C. Nurses' Attitudes Toward Internet-Based Home Care: A Survey Study[J]. Inform Nurs, 2020,39(2):97-104.

3. Cai T, Qian J, Huang Q, Yuan C. Distinct dyadic coping profiles in Chinese couples with breast cancer[J]. Support Care Cancer,2021 ,29(11):6459-6468.

4. Cai T, Huang Q, Yuan C. Profiles of instrumental, emotional, and informational support in Chinese breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a latent class analysis[J]. BMC Womens Health, 2021,21(1):183.

5. Huang Q, Wu F, Zhang W, Stinson J, Yang Y, Yuan C. Risk factors for low self-care self-efficacy in cancer survivors: Application of latent profile analysis[J]. Nurs Open. 2021 May 18.

6. Cai T, Huang Q, Wu F, Yuan C. Psychometric evaluation of the PROMIS social function short forms in Chinese patients with breast cancer[J]. Health Qual Life Outcomes,2021,19(1):149.

7. Song L, Cai T, Wu F, Cui J, Zhou L, Yuan C. Attitudes toward and Perceptions of Educational Needs for End-of-Life Care among Health Professions Students: A Cross-Sectional Study in China[J]. J Pain Symptom Manage,2021, 19:S0885-3924(21)00340-7.

8. Zhang W, Stinson J, Huang Q, Makkar M, Wang J, Jibb L, Cheng L, Yuan C. Identification and Characteristics of the Three Subgroups of Pain in Chinese Children and Adolescents with Cancer[J]. J Pediatr Nurs,2021,59:e13-e19.

9. Yuan C. Data Quotient: The Future Competence of Oncology Nurses[J]. Cancer Nurs, 2021,44(4):261-262.

10. Ning L, Li Y, Zhong C, Wang L, Yuan C, Chen Y, Xia Y. Hope and Worry: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Psychological Experiences Associated With Targeted Drug Therapy Among Patients With Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer[J].Cancer Nurs, 2021 Jul 24.

11. Mo L, Fu Y, Mao L, Zhu L, Zhou Y, Huang Q, Yuan C. Identifying typologies of quality of life in patients with moderate to severe hand trauma based on patient-reported outcomes[J].Ann Palliat Med, 2021,10(9):9810-9819.

12. Cai T, Huang Q, Wu F, Xia H, Yuan C. Psychometric validation of the Chinese version of the PROMIS Social Relationships Short Forms[J].Nurs Open,2021,9(1):394-401.

13. Cai T, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Lu Z, Huang Q, Yuan C. Mobile health applications for the care of patients with breast cancer: A scoping review[J]. Int J Nurs Sci, 2021,8(4):470-476.

14. Huang Q, Geng Z, Fang Q, Stinson J, Yuan C. Identification of Distinct Profiles of Cancer-Related Fatigue and Associated Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Latent Class Analysis[J]. Cancer Nurs, 2021, 44(6):E404-E413.

15. Cai T, Qian J, Yuan C. Dyadic Coping in Couples With Breast Cancer in China[J]. Cancer Nurs,2021,44(6):E458-E466.

16. Gao WJ, Yuan CR. Translation and cultural adaptation of the Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System-Emotional Distress item banks into Chinese[J]. J Spec Pediatr Nurs,2020,26(3):e12318.

17. Gao WJ, Yuan CR, Zou YC, Lin H. Development and Pilot Testing a Self-reported Pediatric PROMIS App for Young Children Aged 5-7 Years[J]. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2020,53: 74-83.

18. Wu F, Howell D, Fang Q, Chen J, Yuan C. Trajectory Patterns and Factors Influencing Self-management Behaviors in Chinese Patients With Breast Cancer[J]. CANCER NURS,2020, 43(2): E105-E112.

19. Yuan C. How Secrets Behind Data Reshape the Model of Cancer Care[J]. Cancer Nurs, 2020,43(2):89-90.

20. Yuan, X, Yuan C, et al., Patterns of sexual health in patients with breast cancer in China: a latent class analysis[J]. Supportive care in cancer: official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 2020,28(11):5147-5156.

21. Yuan X, Wu F, Howell D, Yuan C. Translation, Validity, and Reliability of the Chinese Version of the Breast Cancer Survivor Self-efficacy Scale in China[J]. CANCER NURS,2019, 42(5): E31-E40.

22. Zhang J, Wang J, Zhou J, Fang Q, Zhang N, Yuan C. Body composition patterns and breast cancer risk in Chinese women with breast diseases: A latent class analysis[J]. J ADV NURS, 2019, 75( 11): 2638-2646.

23. Yuan C. The Easier, the Better: Truth of Measurement[J]. CANCER NURS,2019, 42(6): 429.

24. Liu Y, Yuan C, Wang J, Shen N, Shen M, Hinds PS. Chinese Version of Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Short Form Measures Reliability, Validity, and Factorial Structure Assessment in Children with Cancer in China[J ]. CANCER NURS, 2019, 42(6): 430-438.

25. Wang J, Howell D, Shen N, Geng Z, Wu F, Shen M, Zhang X, Xie A, Wang L, Yuan C. mHealth Supportive Care Intervention for Parents of Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Quasi-Experimental Pre- and Postdesign Study[J]. JMIR MHEALTH UHEALTH,2018,6(11):e195.

26. Yuan C. Helping Patient-Reported Outcomes Be "At Home" in Clinical Practice[J]. CANCER NURS,2018, 41(6): 433.

27. Geng Z, Ogbolu Y, Wang J, Hinds PS, Qian H, Yuan C. Gauging the Effects of Self-efficacy, Social Support, and Coping Style on Self-management Behaviors in Chinese Cancer Survivors[J]. CANCER NURS, 2018, 41(5): E1-E10.

28. Wang J, Shen N, Zhang X, Shen M, Xie A, Howell D, Yuan C. Care burden and its predictive factors in parents of newly diagnosed children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in academic hospitals in China[J]. SUPPORT CARE CANCER, 2017, 25(12): 3703-3713.

29. Wang J, Yao NA, Liu Y, Geng Z, Wang Y, Shen N, Zhang X, Shen M, Yuan C. Development of a Smartphone Application to Monitor Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes[J]. CIN-COMPUT INFORM NU , 2017, 35(11): 590-598.

30. Yuan C. The Voices of Patients: Do They Really Matter?[J]. CANCER NURS,2017, 40(2): 87.

31. Geng Z, Howell D, Xu H, Yuan C.Quality of Life in Chinese Persons Living With an Ostomy: A Multisite Cross-sectional Study[J].J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs,2017,44(3):249-256.

32. Wei C, Nengliang Y, Yan W, Qiong F, Yuan C.The patient-provider discordance in patients' needs assessment: a qualitative study in breast cancer patients receiving oral chemotherapy[J].J Clin Nurs,2017,26(1-2):125-132.